Air Jet Shovel Skids Allow Shovel to Glide over Grooves in Sidwalks and Decks


Skids are located on a bottom surface of the Air Jet Shovel blade to allow the scrapper blade edge of the shovel blade to glide over grooves in sidewalks and decks. Without the skids the shovel blade scrapper blade edge would catch on the grooves in the decks and the operator would come to a sudden stop. Referring to the Air Jet Shovel Instruction included in a previous blog post and also with a link below, when the leaf blower is lifted to a height H1 above the surface, the scrapper blade edge of the shovel blade is is in contact with the surface. When the leaf blower height is lowered to a height H2 above the surface the scrapper blade edge of the shovel blade is lifted above the surface so that the scrapper blade edge of the blade will not catch on a groove in a deck.  Thus, the shovel glides right over the groove in the deck.
As you use the Air Jet Shovel the skids on the Air Jet Shovel have been designed to wear down so that the H1 and H2 heights will be automatically adjusted for the operator’s  height.

Click on the link below to Download the Air Jet Shovel Instructions showing the heights H1 and H2.


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